IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 8

A New Idea of English Reading Teaching under the Guidance of Activity View

Liu Yan
keywords : English Reading, Activity View, Reading Teaching

Based on the concept of English learning activities that point to the core literacy of the subject advocated by the "General Senior High School English Curriculum Standards", combined with specific teaching examples, through text-based, in-depth text and beyond-text learning comprehension, application practice, transfer innovation and other progressive activities that integrate language, thinking, and culture, explore and build a reading teaching model of "guiding, reading, appreciating, thinking, speaking, and writing". English classics under the perspective of English learning activities. Efforts to implement the new curriculum concept, promote the reform of ordinary high school education methods. An effective way to promote the improvement of reading literacy. Compared with other studies, this study conducts action research based on real reading classrooms, and obtains research results through qualitative and quantitative analysis, which can provide supplementary suggestions and references for English reading classroom teaching under normal conditions.
Title = "A New Idea of English Reading Teaching under the Guidance of Activity View",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="19 - 21",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Liu Yan"}