IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Practical Reflection on Enhancing Cultural Confidence in College English Education

Qin Yihan
keywords : Practical Reflection, Cultural Confidence, English Education

Emphasizing cultural teaching in foreign language teaching has become a consensus in foreign language education in universities. In college English teaching, teachers should not only infiltrate Western culture into students, but also better inject Chinese cultural elements, cultivate students' sense of national cultural pride, and enhance their cultural confidence. As a compulsory basic discipline with the highest number of students and a significant credit ratio, college English teaching not only imparts language skills, but also shoulders the mission of quality education and cultural education. In the process of understanding the culture of the English language family, we have a clear understanding of the differences between Chinese and English in terms of language expression symbols, language translation, literature, ideas, and other aspects. This cultural comparison implicit in English education runs through the entire process of English education, playing a positive role in enhancing national cultural confidence.
Title = "Practical Reflection on Enhancing Cultural Confidence in College English Education",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="13 - 15",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Qin Yihan"}