IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Intelligence and Application of College Students' Performance Analysis Management Information System Based on Code Generation and Reconstruction Algorithm

Feng Xue
keywords : College Students' Performance, Management Information System, Code Generation?Reconstruction Algorithm

Management Information System (MIS) is an important means to realize enterprise modernization. The operation of data is an important content in the management information system. The algorithm reuses the original three-stage code generation process to a large extent. For the student achievement analysis system, the data import is imported from the Oracle database to the MySQL database through the JDBC API. ;Data statistics Statistics on the scores, number of people, scoring rate, standard deviation, score line ranking and other dimensions at the student level, class level, school level and district level. At the same time, according to the dynamic characteristics of the reconfigurable instruction set, it is configured according to the system hardware resources and reconfiguration.
Title = "Intelligence and Application of College Students' Performance Analysis Management Information System Based on Code Generation and Reconstruction Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="41 - 43",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Feng Xue"}