IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Application of Artificial Intelligence in the "2+1" Talent Training of Higher Vocational Secretarial Majors in Biological Information Collection and Monitoring Software

Li Huan
keywords : Artificial Intelligence, "2+1" Talent Training, Higher Vocational Secretarial Majors, Biological Information Collection

Exploring and practicing the "2+1" talent training mode of combining work and learning in higher vocational secretarial majors has become a new topic in the education of higher vocational secretarial majors. This paper expounds the meaning of the "2+1" talent training mode combining engineering and learning in the secretarial specialty of higher vocational colleges, and from the course teaching practice, the implementation and management of the talent training mode, and uses the moving average filter to process the signal, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal; And design FIR filter to achieve the filtering of baseline drift. The filter design is simple and easy, which can not only meet the system filtering requirements, but also keep the original waveform as much as possible for researchers to use. Use artificial intelligence technology to carry out technological innovation of projects and develop and develop innovative projects of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" studios to promote the cultivation of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" talents in colleges and universities and support the multi-objective-driven talent training model of college discipline competitions.
Title = "Application of Artificial Intelligence in the "2+1" Talent Training of Higher Vocational Secretarial Majors in Biological Information Collection and Monitoring Software",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="71 - 74",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Li Huan "}