IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Thoughts on Chinese Traditional Culture Education in Vocational Colleges under the Background of "The Belt and Road"

Li Huan
keywords : Chinese Traditional Culture, Vocational Colleges, the Belt and Road

In the context of promoting the cultural construction of the "the Belt and Road", international Chinese language education plays an important role in spreading Chinese traditional culture. By investigating the understanding and attitude of overseas students from countries along the "the Belt and Road" towards Chinese culture and cultural courses, we summarized the problems and current situation faced by the dissemination of Chinese traditional culture and proposed targeted measures. Chinese traditional culture can be divided into excellent or not, and values are the core of culture. Although it is relatively stable, its advancement is not always the same. Inheriting advanced values is an inherent goal of traditional Chinese cultural education. It can start from the professional field or cultural category and enable students to learn and recognize excellent values based on curriculum.
Title = "Thoughts on Chinese Traditional Culture Education in Vocational Colleges under the Background of "The Belt and Road"",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="79 - 81",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Li Huan"}