IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Remodeling and Optimization of The Animation Intelligent Oriental God Painting Prototype Based on OpenGL

Jinyan Zheng
keywords : Remodeling and Optimization, Animation Intelligent Oriental God, Painting Prototype?OpenGL

In this paper, a fountain model based on OpenGL particle system is designed, the properties and changes of particles in the model are discussed in detail, and the fountain features such as dynamic changes and parabolic changes with strong realism are realized. It has always been loved by the world. After the 2015 animated film "The Return of the Great Sage" gained a good reputation for the remodeling of Monkey King, in 2019 "Nezha: The Devil's Child Comes into the World" once again successfully reshaped another oriental mythological prototype with a rebellious spirit, Nezha. Embed algorithms such as forward and inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, and collision detection of robots to realize multi-robot 3D virtual simulation, offline programming and virtual teaching, and perform experimental verification of a single entity robot.
Title = "Remodeling and Optimization of The Animation Intelligent Oriental God Painting Prototype Based on OpenGL",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="95 - 97",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Jinyan Zheng"}