IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 9

Construction Of an Online System for Sino-German Cooperation to Cultivate Applied Talents Based on Distributed Networked Cloud Terminals

GU Ying, YANG Kun
keywords : Online System, Sino-German Cooperation, Cultivate Applied Talents, Distributed Networked Cloud Terminals

A new distributed SCADA system architecture is given, including infrastructure, distributed resources and task processing, distributed real-time data processing, and distributed data processing. The foreign language quality of Sino-foreign joint training of applied talents includes not only good foreign language knowledge, but also the application level of foreign language knowledge, cross-cultural communication ability and innovation ability. The reform and innovation of the practical teaching of a Sino-German cooperative logistics management major has established an enterprise-led application-oriented practical teaching system for college students, and analyzed the innovation and application effect of the system. Finally, the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed intelligent monitoring structure system are verified by the actual experimental results.
Title = "Construction Of an Online System for Sino-German Cooperation to Cultivate Applied Talents Based on Distributed Networked Cloud Terminals",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="130 - 133",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="GU Ying, YANG Kun"}