The film “Einstein and Einstein” was completed in 2013 and released in China in 2018. Directed by Cao Baoping, it is a work that delves into the themes of “youth, growth, and family ethics.” The story focuses on the life of a 13-year-old girl named Li Wan from a middle school in Xi’an. This paper analyzes Li Wan’s growth cycle of “discovering cracks, struggling against, resistance failing, being disciplined, and actively disciplining oneself,” and dissects the depth of the film’s “realism critique” and “human nature critique.”
Title = "The Ordeal of Youth and the Cost of Growing Up on the Realism Critique and Human Nature Critique in the Film “Einstein and Einstein” ",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="9 - 11",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Ma Jiawei"}