IJSEA Volume 13 Issue 2

Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of Mathematics Education Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Caihua Miao
keywords : Mathematics education, evaluation mechanism, colleges, universities, assessment, pedagogy, curriculum, student learning outcomes, teaching effectiveness, quantitative analysis

The study explores the evaluation mechanism of mathematics teaching in colleges and universities. Traditional lecture-based mathematics teaching methods often lack interactive and practical components, which hinders students' learning effectiveness and interest. However, the integration of modern information technology offers opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and to enhance students' innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. To achieve this goal, teachers and students need access to diverse teaching resources, personalized learning platforms, and online communication tools. In addition, universities should promote industry-education integration to align teaching with industry needs and trends. Hands-on teaching methods, such as case studies and industry projects, can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications, preparing students for future employment. Evaluation of teaching is essential to improve the quality of teaching, focusing not only on external assessments but also on feedback from teachers and students. The results suggest that the application of modern information technology and the integration of industry and education can improve the teaching of mathematics in colleges and universities.
Title = "Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of Mathematics Education Teaching in Colleges and Universities",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="26 - 28",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Caihua Miao"}