IJSEA Volume 13 Issue 6

Construction and Application of Thai Language Course Resources Based on Network Teaching Platform

Binfang Li
keywords : Thai language course; resources; network teaching platform; education

The construction of Thai language course resources using network teaching platforms involves a multifaceted approach that includes textbook creation, video lesson production, online resource development, teacher training, student feedback, course evaluation, and resource updates. Textbooks must be scientifically rigorous, systematically organized, and practically oriented, covering all proficiency levels and incorporating cultural elements to enhance language acquisition. Instructional videos should be engaging and interactive, supporting different learning styles. A comprehensive online learning platform that promotes a user-friendly and interactive environment is essential for modern education. Regular teacher training and evaluation mechanisms ensure quality education. This study proposes detailed methodologies and recommendations for developing and implementing high quality Thai language course resources to meet the diverse needs of learners and improve educational outcomes.
Title = "Construction and Application of Thai Language Course Resources Based on Network Teaching Platform",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="6",
Pages ="26 - 28",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Binfang Li"}