IJSEA Volume 13 Issue 6

Implementation of Cloud Service Platform for English Video Teaching Based on Detailed Content Recognition Algorithm

Chen Xixi
keywords : Cloud Service Platform, English Video Teaching, Detailed Content Recognition Algorithm

The Fusion-SSD network is proposed to extract the semantic concept of the detailed content recognition algorithm. In this network, a multi-branch convolution kernel structure is designed, and the network's ability to retain detailed information is improved by introducing parallel structure convolution kernel branches. Online resources are built on the information-based teaching platform, and teachers organize students to study online before class, the combination of online and offline teaching is implemented in the class, and online learning tasks are assigned to students after class. The whole process of assessment is implemented in all three links. The application of cloud computing services in teaching has gradually become a hot topic of curriculum informatization reform in higher vocational colleges. This paper introduces the current common cloud computing services, and puts forward examples of their use in higher vocational English teaching.
Title = "Implementation of Cloud Service Platform for English Video Teaching Based on Detailed Content Recognition Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="6",
Pages ="32 - 34",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Chen Xixi"}