IJSEA Volume 14 Issue 1

Multi-Point Temperature Detection System Design

Kangning Song
keywords : Wireless communication; DS18B20; NRF905

In the context of the rapid development of the beekeeping industry, accurately measuring the temperature inside the hive is crucial for beekeeping. Traditional methods of measuring the temperature inside hives consume a significant amount of manpower and resources. This paper designs a wireless temperature measurement system for remote temperature measurement inside hives based on the NRF905 wireless RF chip. The system designed in this paper includes both a host computer system and a slave computer system, which can be divided into six modules: power supply module, temperature measurement module, minimum system, NRF905 wireless RF module, display module, and over-temperature alarm module. This design allows for the remote display of temperature data inside the hive, enabling real-time monitoring of the bee growth environment. By combining wireless communication technology with agricultural production, this design provides a relatively good solution for hive temperature detection, which is of great significance for promoting the modernization of beekeeping.
Title = "Multi-Point Temperature Detection System Design",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "14",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="43 - 46",
Year = "2025",
Authors ="Kangning Song"}