IJSEA Volume 14 Issue 2

Machine Learning-Based System for Hotspot Detection and Analysis

Bushara A. R., Ayisha Mehjubin M., Nihala M. S, Azhar Jaman A. B
keywords : Thermal Image, Color Filtering, Regression, Artificial Neural Network, Convolutional Neural Network.

In electrical equipment excessive temperature leads to failures, therefore thermal monitoring plays a major role. For preventing equipment failures, thermal imaging cameras are routinely used for monitoring the condition of electrical equipment. Initial cost for installing thermal imaging cameras is very expensive. This paper introduces the extraction of thermal images from a low-cost web camera. The webcam modified in such a way that IR filter is removed, and a color filter is introduced to get more precise thermal image data. Captured image is in black and white format. Temperature is measured manually, and a software introduced to compute corresponding the RGB values. Regression technology based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to predict the exact temperature of the corresponding thermal image. A PC speaker is utilized to announce the predicted output in audio format.
Title = "Machine Learning-Based System for Hotspot Detection and Analysis",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "14",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="13 - 17",
Year = "2025",
Authors ="Bushara A. R., Ayisha Mehjubin M., Nihala M. S, Azhar Jaman A. B"}