IJSEA Volume 2 Issue 1

The Study of Data About Data on Spatial Data Warehouses

M. Laxmaiah, A. Govardhan, C. Sunil Kumar, K.Sunil Kumar
keywords : Meta data, GIS, SDW, OLAP, OLTP, Tools.

In this paper, the organization of metadata of spatial data warehouse (SDW) can?t leave support of the technology attached to it. The metadata of a SDW is attached to the technologies such as metadata, geographical information systems (GIS), data warehouse, geographical metadata, metadata of data warehouse and SDW. The metadata of SDW is precisely supported by technology of geographical metadata technology of data warehouse, technology of GIS and technology of SDW. The aim of geographical metadata is to extract information, and the metadata of data warehouse is its reference.
Title = "The Study of Data About Data on Spatial Data Warehouses",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "2",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="23 - 25",
Year = "2013",
Authors ="M. Laxmaiah, A. Govardhan, C. Sunil Kumar, K.Sunil Kumar"}