IJSEA Volume 3 Issue 4

Palmprint and Handgeometry Recognition using FAST features and Region properties

Swapnali G. Garud, K.V. Kale,
keywords : Multimodal, FAST features, Region properties, Euclidean

Biometrics recognition system is more reliable and popular. In this paper we describe a palmprint and handgeometry based person identification consisting of three main steps - preprocessing techniques such as morphological operations. The feature extraction techniques such as FAST feature algorithm and region properties is used to independently extract palmprint and handgeometry features. Feature matching with euclidean distance classifier. These techniques are more reliable and faster than traditional techniques used. We finally conclude that the proposed methodology has better performance .This is supported by our experiments which are able to achieve recognition rate for palmprint 100 % and for handgeometry 93.75 %.
Title = "Palmprint and Handgeometry Recognition using FAST features and Region properties",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "3",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="75 - 82",
Year = "2014",
Authors ="Swapnali G. Garud, K.V. Kale, "}