IJSEA Volume 4 Issue 6

Accessing and Modifying Sqlite Remotely for Catering Multi Client Access

Sharayu Lokhande, Vaishali Ganganwar,
keywords : Remotely Access, SQLite, High Availability

SQLite is a lightweight database management system and a Stable serverless database with almost zero difficulty in installations. SQLite does not support client server facility due to the write lock issue. For expedite multi-client access to the central database, multiple instances of the database on the central system can be created and later integrating these instances to give the resultant product. Accessing these instances remotely would be a solution to the write lock issue. As a result of creating multiple instances of the database on the same system, there might be a heavy traffic which could lead to reduce performance. To handle this cloud computing concept of High Availability which refers to a system or component that is continuously operational for a desirably long length of time.
Title = "Accessing and Modifying Sqlite Remotely for Catering Multi Client Access",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="6",
Pages ="350 - 352",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="Sharayu Lokhande, Vaishali Ganganwar, "}