IJSEA Volume 5 Issue 5

Developing a Comprehensive Library Management System for Tamale Polytechnic

Abukari Abdul Aziz Danaa, Mumin Diyawu,
keywords : successful; computerised; automatically; problems; transactions

The numerous problems of borrowing and returning books and maintaining comprehensive user profiles in the Tamale Polytechnic?s library using the current manual system is seriously affecting the overall productivity of the facility. The impact of which is the poor and inefficient delivery of service to members. Since issuing of books is done by several librarians, details of which librarian issued or received a borrowed book is always not accurate and can easily be manipulated by individuals with their personal interests. A successful solution would be a computerized System for monitoring all transactions, members, user accounts, keep proper records of login details of users as well as effective generation of reports. All transactions that occur within the library are recorded automatically. It also has a fine and ad-hoc report generation mechanisms.
Title = "Developing a Comprehensive Library Management System for Tamale Polytechnic",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "5",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="250 - 256",
Year = "2016",
Authors ="Abukari Abdul Aziz Danaa, Mumin Diyawu, "}