IJSEA Volume 7 Issue 9

Implementation of Fingerprint based Student Attendance System with Notification by GSM Module

Zin Nwe Soe , Dr. Aye Mya Win , Daw Thae Hsu Thoung
keywords : fingerprint module, GSM module, microcontroller, Eclipse, MySQL Server

Attendance and academic success are directly related in educational institutions. The continual absence of students in lecture, practical and tutorial is one of the major problems of decadence in the performance of academic. The authorized person needs to prohibit truancy for solving the problem. In existing system, the attendance is recorded by calling of the students’ name, signing on paper, using smart card and so on. These methods are easy to fake and to give proxy for the absence student. For solving inconvenience, fingerprint based attendance system with notification to guardian is proposed. The attendance is recorded using fingerprint module and stored it to the database via SD card. This system can calculate the percentage of attendance record monthly and store the attendance record in database for one year or more. In this system, attendance is recorded two times for one day and then it will also send alert message using GSM module if the attendance of students don’t have eight times for one week. By sending the alert message to the respective individuals every week, necessary actions can be done early. It can also reduce the cost of SMS charge and also have more attention for guardians. The main components of this system are Fingerprint module, Microcontroller, GSM module and SD card with SD card module. This system has been developed using Arduino IDE, Eclipse and MySQL Server.
Title = "Implementation of Fingerprint based Student Attendance System with Notification by GSM Module",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "7",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="260 - 264",
Year = "2018",
Authors ="Zin Nwe Soe , Dr. Aye Mya Win , Daw Thae Hsu Thoung"}