IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 3

An Innovative Approach of Big Data and Internet of Things Using 5G Network

Dr. R.K.Bathla, Dr. J. N. Shrivastava, Dr. Munish Goyal
keywords : Big data, Data analytics, Data management, Big data-as-a-service, Analytics-as-a-service, Internet of Things Storage cloud computing

The Big Data has achieved huge attentiveness from the educational world and the IT industry. In the digital and computing world, in order is produced and composed at velocities that quickly go beyond the boundary range. Presently, over 3 billion people world wide are connected to the Internet, and over 6 billion individuals own movable phones. By 2020, 50 billion devices are expected to be connected to the Internet. At this point, predicted data production will be 44 times greater than that in 2009. As in sequence is transferred and communal at light speed on optic fiber and wireless networks, the volume of data and the speed of market growth increase. On the other hand, the fast growth rate of such large data generates numerous challenges, such as the rapid growth of data, transfer speed, diverse data, and security. Nevertheless, Big Data is still in its immaturity stage, and the area has not been reviewed in general. Hence, this study expansively surveys and classifies the various attributes of Big Data, including its nature, definitions, rapid growth rate, volume, management, analysis, and security. Cloud computing has unlock up new opportunities for testing departments. New technology and social connectivity trends are creating a perfect storm of opportunity, enabling cloud to transform internal operations, Customer associations and industry value chains. To ensure high quality of cloud applications under development, developer must perform testing to examine the quality and accuracy whatever they design. Business consumers are drawn to the clouds simplified, self- service experience and new service capabilities. In this research paper, we speak to a testing ecological architecture with precious key benefits, to execute execution of test cases and used testing methodologies to improve excellence of cloud applications.
Title = "An Innovative Approach of Big Data and Internet of Things Using 5G Network",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="93 - 99",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Dr. R.K.Bathla, Dr. J. N. Shrivastava, Dr. Munish Goyal"}