IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 5

Real-Time Video Display System in Articulated Vehicle for Road Safety Enhancement

Timothy Gambo, Elijah E. Omizegba, Alfred Baamani Ba’ams
keywords : Auto Crashes, Articulated Vehicle, Road Safety, Raspberry Pi, Video Stabilization, Python

Nowadays, auto crashes are being recognised as a major public health problem; with higher fatalities in third world countries. Wrongful overtaking has been one of the major causes of road traffic accidents (RTAs) especially that involving large sized vehicles (LSVs) or articulated vehicles. Driving behind such a vehicle has being a nightmare to most drivers especially on a single – lane highway. Even though the movement of LSV is relatively slow, overtaking it is a problem because of its size and the inability of the driver to see ahead of it. However, Real-Time Video Display System (RTVDS) in articulated vehicle for road safety enhancement provides a solution to such problems; by providing overtaking drivers with visual information on the state of the road ahead of the articulated vehicle so as to assist the driver in deciding on whether to overtake or not. Such information may also reduce the risk of accidents caused by sudden braking or animals crossing the road. The system basically consists of a digital camera mounted in front of the truck, a control unit (raspberry pi - RPi) and an exterior display unit located behind the truck. Shaky images captured by the camera were stabilized using Optical Flow algorithm of video stabilization before being displayed. The design was implemented using Python as the programming language. Results obtained from the design show that the system is capable of producing stable video images required for decision making before overtaking. Hence, reducing the rate of RTAs associated with LSVs if fully developed.
Title = "Real-Time Video Display System in Articulated Vehicle for Road Safety Enhancement",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="136 - 145",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Timothy Gambo, Elijah E. Omizegba, Alfred Baamani Ba’ams"}