IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 7

Algorithmic Design Analysis of Voice Recognition System

Kamalu U. A , Dike Precious
keywords : Voice Recognition, Speech Recognition, Algorithm, Machine, Artificial Intelligence

This paper is on Algorithmic design analysis of voice recognition systems, it involves the design and analysis of voice recognition system using algorithms. A modular design approach was adopted, the designed submodules are incorporated together to form a complete unit, the designed system is general and can be adopted to fit into various voice recognition systems. It can also be programmed using any suitable programming language like C++, PHP etc. The algorithm accepts voice as input analyzes the voice of interest, retrieves the parameters from the voice, performs a database input matching/search for a user who has similar records and then displays an output of the result.
Title = "Algorithmic Design Analysis of Voice Recognition System",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="221 - 225",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Kamalu U. A , Dike Precious"}