IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 8

Static and Dynamic Analysis of Flight Control Circuit Mixing Unit in a Typical Light Helicopter

Anup Banakar K,Dinesh Kumar
keywords : Flight Control Circuit

Conventional helicopter (single main rotor & tail rotor) has three flight control inputs called as the cyclic stick, collective stick and anti-torque / rudder pedals. The principle motivation behind the flight controls in helicopter is to change the pitch angles of main and tail rotor and enabling the pilots to control helicopter elevation, speed and direction. The contributions to the cyclic stick and collective stick control the main rotor pitch angles. The inputs to the pedals (rudder) control the tail rotor pitch angles. Main rotor controls comprise of Collective, Cyclic Longitudinal (Pitch) and Cyclic Lateral (Roll) channels, which together control the main rotor blade pitch angles. Cockpit controls for Pilot and Co-Pilot are cultivated utilizing torque tube/switches and control bars. The mixing of collective and cyclic is done at mixing unit. The main rotor mixing unit is required to guarantee that all control inputs are transmitted to the main rotor without loss of input or one influencing the other. A mixing unit keeps up the cyclic angle by mixing collective input with right lateral, left lateral, and fore/aft inputs into a summing bell crank. “The present work mainly focuses on the finite element idealization of the mixing unit, evaluation of the strength characteristics for the applied control loads and also estimation of free vibration characteristics of the mixing unit”.
Title = "Static and Dynamic Analysis of Flight Control Circuit Mixing Unit in a Typical Light Helicopter",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="269 - 271",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Anup Banakar K,Dinesh Kumar"}