IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 8

Workspace Analysis of Two-link Planar Manipulator

Thu Zar, Phyo Wai Lin, Dr. Su Yin Win
keywords : Kinematics and Dynamics, Denavit-Hartenberg (DH), 2DOF manipulator, MatLab

A two link revolute robotic arm is optimized for maximization of work space area covered by its end effector. A mathematical model for optimization is built considering singularities which influence the variation of design variables. Condition number which is the measure of output value (End effector position) for a small change in input value (joint angles) is modelled as the constraint. Joint angle between link2 and link1 and link lengths are considered as design variables. The mathematical model is initially optimized using Semi-infinite Programming technique. Genetic Algorithm using Roulette wheel selection is employed on the nonlinear optimization model for obtaining global optimum value for the objective function. The maximum value of objective function obtained from Genetic Algorithm is found to be considerably higher than the value obtained from Semi-infinite Programming method.
Title = "Workspace Analysis of Two-link Planar Manipulator",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="380 - 383",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Thu Zar, Phyo Wai Lin, Dr. Su Yin Win"}