IJSEA Volume 8 Issue 9

Simplex Method for Solving Maximum Problems in Linear Programming

Khin Kye Mon
keywords : simplex method; liner programming; objective function; optimal solution; algebraic procedure

In this paper, the simplex method in linear programming is discussed for solving maximum problems with constraints. The simplex method is a general mathematical solution technique for solving linear programming problems. In the simplex method, the model is put into the form of a table, and then a number of mathematical steps are performed on the table. This simplex method is an algebraic procedure in which a series of repetitive operations are used to reach the optimal solution.
Title = "Simplex Method for Solving Maximum Problems in Linear Programming",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="410 - 411",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Khin Kye Mon"}