IJSEA Volume 9 Issue 1

Syntheses, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity Test of Some Organotin(IV) 2-hydroxybenzote

Febri Ardhiyansyah, Sutopo Hadi, Tati Suhartati
keywords : antibacterial activity; E. coli; minimum inhibition concentration; organotin(IV); S. aureus

The syntheses of two organotin(IV) derivatives i.e. diphenyltin(IV) 2-hydroxybenzoate (2) and triphenyltin(IV) 2-hydroxybenzoate (4) have succesfully been performed, tested and compared their antibacterial activities. The compounds syntesiszed were well characterized by means of spectroscopies of UV, IR, 1H and 13C NMR as well as based on microelemental analyzer. The bacteria used in the testing were Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by diffusion method. The results showed that all compounds tested were active in the antibacterial test giving the minimun inhibition concentration of 200 ppm (3.66 x 10-4 M and 4.11 x 10-4 M for 2 and 4, respectively for both bacteria), while chloramphenicol was also giving inhibition concentration at the same concentration (6.19 x 10-4 M).
Title = "Syntheses, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity Test of Some Organotin(IV) 2-hydroxybenzote",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="4 - 7",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Febri Ardhiyansyah, Sutopo Hadi, Tati Suhartati"}