IJSEA Volume 9 Issue 11

Securing Data by Using Tree Traversal Techniques

Girija Rani Suthoju, S. Swapna, Farhana Begum Sattar
keywords : ciphers, traversals, security, trees and encoding

Now-a-days, securing data is a typical scenario and secure world is inviting hackers proportional to the technology. Thus, Security must be provided to data in all sides by encoding data at sender and releasing in to network, on other side at receiver, the data must be decoded with the provided credentials. In the proposed system of this paper, we are introducing binary tree traversals to secure data as a ciphering technique. The data may be extracted from a tree through numerous traversal algorithms.
Title = "Securing Data by Using Tree Traversal Techniques",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="125 - 128",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Girija Rani Suthoju, S. Swapna, Farhana Begum Sattar"}