IJSEA Volume 9 Issue 5

Study on Chemical Composition and Nutritional Values in the Juice of Citrus Limonia Osbeck

Daw Hla Hla Soe
keywords : Citrus Limon, photochemical investigation, nutritional values, elemental values, vitamin C, AAS

In this research, the selected Citrus fruit, namely lemon (Citrus limonia Osbeck) was collected from Kay Tu Mady Myothit, Toungoo Township, Pegu Region, Myanmar. According to the phytochemical tests, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, reducing sugar, terpenes, glycosides, tannins and saponins were found to be present in this Citrus fruit while steroids was absent. Nutritional values such as moisture content (91.86), ash content (0.32%), protein content (0.37%),fiber content (0.35%) and fat content (0.08%) in juice of Citrus Limon were analyzed by AOAC method. The analysis of some elemental contents presents in juice of Citrus limonia Osbeck were investigated by AAS Method. The vitamin C content (58mg/100 mL) in juice of Citrus limonia Osbeck was determined by iodometric titration method.
Title = "Study on Chemical Composition and Nutritional Values in the Juice of Citrus Limonia Osbeck",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="57 - 63",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Daw Hla Hla Soe"}