Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Science and Engineering
ISSN : 2319–7560 (Online)
Volume 7, Issue 8, Pages 133 - 253 ( Aug - 2018 )
1) |
Status of Solar Energy Potential, Development and Application in MyanmarPages 133 - 137Hla Myo Aung, Zaw Min Naing, Thi Thi Soe,
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2) |
Automatic Sorting MachinePages 138 - 142Moe Win Khaing, Dr. Aye Mya Win, Daw Thida Aye,
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3) |
Support Vector Machine Based Classification of Leaf DiseasesPages 143 - 147Ko Ko Zaw, Dr. Zin Ma Ma Myo, Daw Thae Hsu Thoung,
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4) |
3D Modeling of Five Speed Manual Transmission System for Teaching Aid VehiclesPages 148 - 152Swe Zin Nyunt, Theingi, Aung Hein Latt,
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5) |
Benchmark Evaluation & Proposed Electrical Architecture for a 12V BSG VehiclePages 153 - 161Priyamvad Mishra, K. Phaneendra Varma,
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6) |
Dehydration of Aqueous Ethanol Mixtures By Extractive DistillationPages 162 - 165Thu Zar Thein, Wai Mar Htway, Win Ei Ei Tun
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7) |
Bioethanol Production from Office Waste PaperPages 166 - 168Wai Mar Htway, Thu Zar Thein, Ye Myat Phone Hlaing
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8) |
Experimental and Numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis on the Flow at Pelton Turbine Nozzle with Various Opening SettingsPages 169 - 174Zar Chi Thaung, Theingi, Kyi Kyi Swe
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9) |
Speech to Text Conversion System for Myanmar AlphabetPages 175 - 176Zaw Win Aung
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10) |
A Versatile Automatic Weight Changer For Mass ComparatorsPages 177 - 180Kyi Kyi Swe, Kyaw Myat Moe, Zar Chi Thaung
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11) |
Design Consideration of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Motor by Finite Element MethodPages 181 - 186Zaw Htet Myint
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12) |
Design of a Microcontroller Based Automatic Voltage Stabilizer with Toroidal TransformerPages 187 - 192Thet Htun Aung
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13) |
Comparison of Power Output from Solar Panel with Reflector and without ReflectorPages 193 - 198Thet Naung Win
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14) |
Design of Robot Arm imitating Human Arm system using PID ControllerPages 199 - 202Pan Myat Phyu, Dr. Yin Yin Soe, Daw May Thu Aung
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15) |
Results Analysis of Real-Time Edge Detection Techniques using LabViewPages 203 - 207Htoo Le’ Win, Dr. Yin Yin Soe, Daw Yi Yi Lwin
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16) |
Stress Analysis on Spur Gears Using ANSYS Workbench 16.0Pages 208 - 213May Phyoe Thu, Nwe Lin Min
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17) |
Analysis of Forging Processes for Machine Building Industry ModelingPages 214 - 217Nwe Lin Min, May Phyoe Thu
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18) |
GLCM and LTP Based Classification of Food TypesPages 218 - 222Wint Myat Thu, Dr. Pann Ei San, Daw Win Thandar Tun
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19) |
Human Machine Interface System for Filling and Capping ProcessPages 223 - 229Su Yadanar, Theingi , Wutyi Win
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20) |
Design, Analysis and Evaluation of the Sun Simulator MechanismPages 230 - 244Farhad Fani Saberi , Ali Kasiri , Hashem Bazrafshan, Hossein Rostami Barooji , Mehdi Zandieh , Farshid Parhizgar
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21) |
Performance Evaluation of Different Scheduling Schemes for Marcocell with MIMO Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing (CLSM) 2×2 Antenna ConfigurationPages 245 - 249Kyawt Kay Khaing , Zin Ma Ma Myo , Thae Hsu Thoung
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